The hallmark feature of ADHD has always been the inconsistency. Inconsistent engagement, inconsistent performance, inconsistent moods, etc. Activities that were done beautifully yesterday are terribly done today. Usually this is presented in a very judgmental way that the person with ADHD is ‘flighty, unreliable, unpredictable, or intentionally not trying.’

Adult and Teen ADHD Information, Dodson ADHD Center (via crylie)

This one is a never-ending source of anxiety for me because it means I can’t even rely on myself.

(via hyliansunrise)

The most eye-opening thing a professor ever told me (though it hurt to hear it) was “You are all or nothing. You’re either giving me amazing work and commentary, or you’re not really even present in class.” This was said in concern, of course, not in contempt or admonishment. But that’s *exactly* how ADHD is. You’re either snapped to rapt attention, your brain flowing effortlessly, or so bored that you may as well be asleep, you’re so checked out. Inconsistency, even with things that you like, is ADHD.

(via my-medusa-in-chains)

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