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I shall start:While Sherlock is “dead”, Mycroft…

I got these recs from a friend too:

“this is unfinished, but i recall liking it http://archiveofourown.org/works/4331151

brighteyedjill has a couple of older johncroft http://archiveofourown.org/users/BrighteyedJill/pseuds/BrighteyedJill”

That’s pretty much all I have, maybe others can hop on the bandwagon.

You just recc’d my friends fic to me, so she’ll be happy to know that! 😀

I actually haven’t read the fics by brighteyedjill, so thanks for those!

Mostly, I’m hoping to inspire people to create new Johncroft! We need more content in this fandom, guys! <3

Thank you, besinaao3, for being so kind!

Any other writers feel like jumping in on this – see if we can write some new stuff for it? I will try to kick my brain into gear.  fleetwoodmouse , dvancecinco, either of you have some good Johncroft recs for us?

I searched my blog for Johncroft and came across these entries.  I know that taylorpotato wrote a terrific fic, If You Understand The Nuance.  Also, the fic Modern Warfare is a lovely holmescest / johncroft / johnlock OT3 fic that is chock full of smut.  

I also know that cotrix-art has a piece or two of art.  merindab, don’t you have some johncroft?

I have 6 apparently but I’m pretty sure eveningsoother has read them all. I’m sure I can write more though if ya’ll want

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