







boris johnson just announced that he isn’t standing for PM. i’m screaming into the void rn. HE CREATED THE BREXIT CRISIS JUST TO BECOME PRIME MINISTER… 

I didn’t understand what was happening before, but I SUPER ESPECIALLY do not understand what’s happening now.

So like did all of these pro-Leave leaders just run this campaign to whip up a furor of ugly racist nationalism to further their own petty goals and gain support, while relying on the idea that the Stay people would have a strong enough voting base to not actually let it pass?  Like did they just gamble on the future of their entire fucking country and fail spectacularly? 

Because this really feels like what is going down right now.  When you think about it, running this super strong campaign about how being in the EU is bringing Great Britain down and then having the referendum fall on the side of Stay would have been a great way to mobilize a huge amount of support from bitter people who have been convinced that their problems are from immigrants and the EU.  The leaders of the Leave campaign look good because they’re Fighting The Good Fight against impossible odds and they don’t have to pony up one single bit of their promised changes or improvements because they’re CLEARLY being stopped at every turn by the forces of Evil Socialist Liberal Whatever You Guys Have Over There I Think Your Left-Wing Politics Get Characterized Differently.

And then the referendum passed and now suddenly everyone is apparently Nowhere To Be Found to actually run the fucking country.

What a shit show.

I am 90% sure the bit about not expecting it to pass is true.

it’s like ‘The Producers’ except instead of accidentally creating a hit musical you ruined your country’s economy

the tories rn:

Did I read (correctly, because I did read it. I’m just very not sure what’s satire anymore) that Nigel Farage has also resigned from UKIP?
So, yet another person who was pushing for teh very thing that happened is now trying to escape the consequences of his actions?

I believe this can be summed up thusly:

Fucking fascists fucking up every fucking thing for fucking everyone and then fucking off to make everyone fucking clear up after them. 

Seriously, UK, you might want to reconsider that unwritten constitution thing. 

Also, demand your MPs move for a second referendum in response to the petition that must be debated.

And the next time the FT tells you ‘uhm, leave is leading,’ believe them. And make sure everyone you know shows up to vote.

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