


Skip ahead to 1:01 it’s not letting me embed it at that point

Very Important. The last five minutes of this panel, it’s asked if genetic differences might explain why there are fewer women in science. Watch Neil Degrasse Tyson explain very quickly and succinctly that it’s about society and expectations and the people in power.

Also the old white dude asking the question? Former president of Harvard and Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers

(via upworthy)

yooooo so worth checking out!

 thanks for sharing! 

“So, my- my life experience tells me, that when you don’t find blacks in the sciences, don’t find women in the sciences, I know these [social] forces are real, and I had to survive them in order to get where I am today. So before we start talking about genetic differences, you gotta come up with a system where there’s equal opportunity, then we can have that conversation.” – Neil Degrasse Tyson answering that question about genetic differences, starting at 1:01:30 in the video. 

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