
This GIFset looked absolutely adorable so I wrote a small ficlet to go with it:

“Your turn.”

Sherlock glared at his son. “I could be looking in the newspapers for a nice murder right now.”

Your turn.”

“Fine. Miss Scarlet, in the Kitchen, with the lead piping.”

Hamish deftly shuffled through his cards, plucked out the weapon card and revealed it to Sherlock.

“Show me another card, you’ve already showed me the lead piping.”

“Nope,” Hamish replied, “it’s not against the rules, I can show you the same card twice if I want to.”

“But if I went to a crime scene and Anderson showed me the same evidence twice, I’d ask him if his remaining brain cell ever got lonely.”

“What difference does it make anyway,” Hamish cried indignantly, “you’re not even writing anything down!”

Sherlock leaned froward and looked straight into the younger Holmes’ eyes. “Hamish, let me tell you something very important. I am the world’s number one consulting detective. If I went to a murder crime scene, I could tell you within a minute the murder weapon, the motive and the murderers preference of underwear. Comparered with that, Cluedo is ridiculously easy, I could win in a second and I certainly don’t need to write anything down.”

“Prove it.”

Sherlock looked startled, “Excuse me?”

“Go on, prove it, I want you to prove that you could win Cluedo in a second.”

Sherlock frowned at this unexpected request before leaning forward and carefully scrutinizing the board.

“It was Professor Plum with the candlestick in the ballroom.” He picked up the victim cards and looked at each of them in turn. “The cards are wrong.” he proclaimed before tossing them behind him. 

“Well you guessed wrong so does that mean I win?”

Sherlock gave a non-commital jerk of the head, before dragging his dressing-gown around himself and turning his back on Hamish, sending the Cluedo board flying across the room as he did so. The thump as it hit the wall opposite alerted John from the next room and he strolled in, took one look at Sherlock, who was now curled up in the fetal position on the sofa, and turned to Hamish.

“What’s wrong with your father?”

“I think he’s sulking because I beat him at Cluedo.”

As John and Hamish grinned at eachother, there came a muffled voice from the couch.

“The cards are wrong.”

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