youknownothingmomsnow replied to your post “So just something personal, you can skip if  you want. [[MOR] I’ve…”

I think I need to take that step soon. Been dealing with a lot of depression and stress as well. So glad you’re doing better!

It can be a bit scary, and I know the first week or so I was a bit out of it, but if you have a continuing problem and it’s affecting your quality of life, then it might be worth it to talk to your doctor.

But thank you as well, and if you ever need to talk, drop me an ask.

John Barrowman? =P

Not My Type |Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY

Though anyone whose followed me or talked to me for 5 minutes probably knows that… Here, have some pics, thanks for the excuse: