
Rose adds to the story by putting another human face on what the First Order does to the galaxy.

The new extended canon has done an excellent job of detailing the devastation that the Empire and now the First Order has done in the galaxy by subjugating and destroying worlds, bleeding them of resources, exploiting their people, and discarding them when they’re finished.

Rose and Paige Tico bring that story to the cinematic universe and Rose specifically points it out as the disease beneath the opulence of Canto Bight as well as telling her own story. And it is significant that this story is told by a Vietnamese actor.

She is also the purest example we have so far of a truly ordinary person who becomes a hero.

Rey may be from humble origins, but she’s an insanely powerful Force sensitive. Finn has trained for combat his entire life and is a gifted strategist. Poe is the son of war heroes. She’s not a crack shot and ace pilot like Han. Not a princess, not a scion of a literal child of the Force.

She’s just a person who stepped up when it was time to step up and I love her.













there’s all these aus about vader finding luke and smuggling him away to the empire in a clever moment of mental clarity, but please consider this crack au: after being faced with slavery, his mother’s death, tusken raiders, sand, obi-wan kenobi, seeing the larses, and tatooine in general, vader lays eyes on toddler luke skywalker – his son, which meant palpatine lied, holy fuck i’m a father, oh god padme i’m so sorry – and flips.

this is the straw that breaks the semi-rational sith lord’s back. in true anakin skywalker fashion, vader panics, scoops his son into his arms, charges into mos espa and turns it upside down, steals a shuttle from his own fleet, slams random hyperspace coordinates, and is thrown into space with no real idea where he’s going or when he’s going to get there. with a toddler.

to make things more interesting, obi-wan snuck aboard the ship, but dropped his lightsaber in the ruckus of sneaking into imperial ranks. and poor, poor firmus piett, a lowly officer who just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, runs smack into him.

and they’re all stuck on a ship, indefinitely. with a toddler.

sweet baby jesus i love this idea

just vader, picking up toddler luke under his arm like a football, and RUNNING LIKE FUCKING HELL

[darth vader voice] I HAVE YOU NOW

*toddler Luke SCREAMING the whole time*

obiwan just having a nervous breakdown
“what what why are you doing this you’re evil but but what what is this someone shut that child up”

i love that people are contributing this is AMAZING

vader hefts the child into his arms – YOU CAN’T HAVE HIM – and literally turns away from everyone else like a kid with a new mcdonald’s toy. you can’t have him, YOU CAN’T EVEN LOOK AT HIM. luke quiets down because he’s up so high and he can see EVERYTHING and it’s fascinating. luke’s an easily impressed kid, after all. (and there are vents up here that he can nearly reach to crawl through!)

obi-wan: you can’t take luke from me, darth.
vader, probably: LIKE YOU TOOK MY LIMBS???? HUH OBI-WAN????? HUH?????

What if at one point Obi-wan and Vader get all huffy and refuse to speak to each other and Piett has to act as the go between.

vader: tell that washed up old man that i know exactly what i’m doing

piett: …

piett: yes, lord vader

piett: excuse me, master jedi, but lord vader has everything under control

obi-wan: [huffs] That walking disaster hasn’t had anything under control since he was nine, and you can tell him i said that. In fact, i insist

piett: [looks into the camera like on the office]

oh god i have to write this now. you’ve convinced me, I AM SOLD. THERE IS ALMOST NOTHING BETTER THAN THIS IMAGE.

imagine it gets to the point where vader and obi-wan are screaming at each other with piett stuck in the middle, and luke, his attention torn away from the pretty lights on vader’s chest, clambers up and pats vader right over the respirator. “stop,” luke, a 2 year old, orders, patting sith lord darth vader gently on the face. “is mean,” announces luke.

vader re-settles luke in his arms. “say sowwy,” luke demands. vader, reluctantly, apologizes. he’s not taken with this child at all, obviously he’s just trying to earn luke’s respect, clearly. duh.

luke clambers off vader and toddles to piett to give him the biggest hug. “i sowwy,” says luke, solemnly. piett is about to faint. first lord vader, now the lordling? this is Too Much. vader’s probably giving piett the most terrifying death glare from behind his mask.

with the blessing of the Great and Powerful Luke Skywalker, piett can DEMAND THESE TWO STOP BEING CHILDREN but quietly, with a lot of respect.

obi-wan, meanwhile: i need a drink. i need a whole liquor bottle

I need to draw this

I said I would.



And this is the story of how Luke Skywalker ended the Galactic Civil War by being an impossibly, irresistibly adorable 2 year old with big blue eyes and a strong sense of THAT’S MEAN, STOP THAT.