
  • Jonathan and Gethin taking each other’s hands for the briefest of moments as they pass each other when walking around the flat
  • Jonathan telling Gethin to pass him things when he’s cooking, only to grab Gethin’s hand and spin him around and make an handprint of flour on his face with the other hand
  • Gethin taking Jonathan’s hand when Jonathan’s sleeping and tracing light patterns on it and kissing it and admiring how peaceful Jonathan looks and trying to forget how sad he was just before he fell asleep, staring with that faraway look that Gethin knows means he’s thinking about his illness
  • Jonathan loving to take Gethin’s hands when they’re dancing and dance across the dance floor like little kids because of the exhilaration he feels when Gethin squeezes his hands in surprise and then laughs like they haven’t a care in the world
  • Jonathan and Gethin standing outside Gay’s The Word, collecting money for LGSM, and taking each other’s free hands when they get cold, feeling each other’s warmth through heavy knitted mittens and gloves
  • Jonathan and Gethin holding hands for absolutely no reason, just to feel the comfort of each other when they’re in meetings or at parties or just getting drinks
  • Jonathan and Gethin swinging their hands between them and Gethin smiling involuntarily at the innocence of the action and Jonathan looking at him with that grin that’s just so full of love that Gethin’s insides start to melt
  • Jonathan and Gethin resolutely taking each other’s hands when they leave their flat and holding them still the more firmly when they get shouted at and mocked
  • Jonathan and Gethin getting home and Jonathan freeing his hand to unlock the door and then pausing and realizing that this is the first time they’ve managed to walk around London without getting called disgusting names or spat at and he just sort of laughs and grabs Gethin’s face and kisses him and then holds him a few inches away just to admire every line around his eyes and every twitch of his lips as he starts to smile

when you’re in a battle against an enemy so much bigger, so much stronger than you, to find out you have a friend you never knew existed— well, that’s the best feeling in the world 


Pride: There’s a lodge banner down in the welfare, over 100 years old. We bring it out for special occasions, you know? I’ll show it to you one day. It’s a symbol like this: two hands. That’s what the labor movement means. Should mean. You support me, I support you, whoever you are, wherever you come from, shoulder to shoulder, hand to hand.


As we come marching, marching, we bring the greater days.
The rising of the women means the rising of the race.
No more the drudge and idler—ten that toil where one reposes,
But a sharing of life’s glories: Bread and roses! Bread and roses!

‘Bread and Roses’ – requested by gretchenwienerdogs