
send me a ! and i will shuffle my music and give my favorite lyrics from the song that comes up



The “I am a piece of shit and nobody will ever love me” factoid is actually a statistical error. You are actually are fantastic and infinitely worthy of people’s company.  That person you used to care about, who taught you to hate yourself by abandoning you, is an outlier and should not have been counted

this is the greatest and most positive use of a meme that i have ever seen.

I was tagged by @awabubbles to list 10 books that have stayed with you in some way, then tag 10 people.

  1. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
  2. Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein
  3. The Crystal Cave Trilogy by Mary Stewart
  4. Imzadi by Peter David
  5. The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury
  6. The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield
  7. The Nine Billion Names of God by Arthur C. Clarke
  8. Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman
  9. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut 
  10. Maus by 

    Art Spiegelman

Do it if you like

First Lines

I was tagged by @sexxicawrites and reclusiveq to list the first lines of my last ten fics to see if there are any patterns:

  1.    “Come in,” said Sherlock without looking up, getting his pencils and papers in order.
  2. Sherlock woke with a small groan.

  3. Sherlock found the party without a problem.

  4. John Watson was uncertain what to expect when he limped down the sterile hall.

  5. Greg sighed and stretched.

  6. Jack wiped his brow and leaned back, reaching for the bottle of water he had close at hand.

  7. John Watson adjusted his bag as he crossed to where Sherlock was waiting, leaning casually against his motorcycle.

  8. Everyone thinks that it’s only Sherlock that observes.

  9. John paced on the sidewalk.

  10. Jack never really slept anymore.

So apparently I tend to start with an action and a character. Also I had to try to resist the urge to re-read every fic I opened. Oops.

I’ll tag themadkatter13, jazzforthecaptain, chasingriversong and caitlinisactuallyawritersname



‘the average woman owns 16 bras’ well shit i didnt know the average woman was made of money

“average woman owns 16 bras" factoid actualy just statistical error. average woman buys 0 bras per year. Titys Georgina, who lives in cave & wears over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

I was tagged by scifrey

Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better

Name: Merinda

Nickname: Mer

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Gender: Female

Height: 5′’4″

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, probably a little bit Bi though
Romantic Orientation: i’ve not actually thought about this

Favorite Color: Blue

Time right now: 1:14 PM

Average hours of sleep: 6-8

Lucky number: 2, 14

Last thing I googled: “How man pounds to a stone”

Number of blankets I sleep under: 2-3

Favorite fictional characters: Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, the Doctor, Castiel, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Ianto Jones, Wesley Crusher, Merlin (the Cyrstal Cave), Ender Wiggin, Lazurus Long, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, I’m sure there’s more

Favorite famous person: John Barrowman 😀

Favorite book: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, Time Enough for love by Robert Heinlien

Favorite Bands/Artists: REM, Sarah McLachlan, Mumford and Sons

Dream Trip: The British Isles

Dream Job: Full Time writer

What I’m wearing right now: I’m still in my PJs. Greenwith flower things on them. Capri pants and a button up shirt.

I shall tag:anyone who wants to do i

Tagged by darkestelemental616

Repost and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.

Gender: Female
Color(s): Blue
Current Time And Date: 7:36pm July 1, 2015
Number: 13
First Word That Comes To Mind: mammals
One Place That Makes Me Happy:  Being out under the stars
Favorite Character(s): Captain Jack Harkness, Malcolm Reynolds, Steve Rogers, John Watson, The Doctor (sometimes)
Favorite Food: Lasagna, mint-chocolate anything
Favorite Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper
Favorite Book: My top books are: Ender’s Game, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Time Enough for Love
Last Film I Saw In Theaters: Jurassic World
Last Holiday: Holidays? I work in a call center.
Dream Wedding: Well. I eloped. Bit late for a fancy wedding.
Dream Job: Author. Or selling enough writing to support myself. Same dif.
What Are You Wearing: Green cami, pink plaid pajama bottoms.

I tag~ hums-happily, phipiohsum475, fangirlscout, dozmuffinxc, janto-is-canon, fangfan62, leavesdancing, gwencoopcr, amyshrift