Yeah, um…Ianto is a Timelord…But he just doesn’t know it.

Gareth answering a question about how he wanted Ianto’s story to end. And yes, the stopwatch was mentioned as his chameleon arch, (via janto-owns-my-soul)

What she says: I’m fine.
What she means: Can we just take a moment to think about Ianto Jones lying awake at night watching Jack sleeping. Probably thinking about how he managed to get to this point with this man. Watching Jack sleep and dream, convincing himself that Jack is dreaming about leaving Earth and getting to travel the universe again. Thinking to himself that’s what is making Jack smile while he sleeps. He thinks that even if he survives Torchwood to grow old, Jack won’t be there for it. He’ll have moved on, whether its with the Doctor or someone else. He doesn’t know how he can be enough for this wonderful man who has seen so many things and loved so many people. How can a man like that be happy with an office boy from Wales? So he resigns himself to thinking he’s just something to keep Jack occupied while he’s here. Just a blip in time.


ianto jones is an artist. all his diaries are more of sketchbooks. lengthy description of cases interwine with sketches of aliens, maps and doodles of the team. gwen loves to model for him and there is more than one painting that he has done of her (and rhys) that now hang on the couple’s walls. when he is bored, he uses calligraphy for short notes and to label things. and of course he likes to draw jack like one of his french girls