


As soon as Jack Harkness realizes he can communicate with Castiel anywhere, anytime just by saying his name first, that’s going to be a flirtation game changer.

It’s 3am and Castiel is chasing ghosts with the Winchesters, when suddenly he hears a familiar voice say in his head: “Somebody’s thinking about you right now, hot wings, and how cute you are when you’re angry.”



“Jack, my wings are the same temperature as the rest of me, and you cannot see them to determine if you find them attractive or not. I understand this is intended as a ‘pet name,’ but I find it inaccurate. …Also, I was busy.”

“Not so busy that you couldn’t show up in my bedroom to correct me, I noticed.”


“Plus I bet you taste great with beer and blue cheese dressing.”

“… …”

“See? You ARE cute when you’re angry.”



As soon as Jack Harkness realizes he can communicate with Castiel anywhere, anytime just by saying his name first, that’s going to be a flirtation game changer.

It’s 3am and Castiel is chasing ghosts with the Winchesters, when suddenly he hears a familiar voice say in his head: “Somebody’s thinking about you right now, hot wings, and how cute you are when you’re angry.”

Allright, the next chapter of my superwood rodeo AU is up. This one is Jack/Castiel. I really didn’t mean to make nothing but smut. lol.

All Tied Up – Jack knew Castiel was a damn good looking man. He didn’t expect him to also be a dom. But maybe Cas knows just what he needs.

teaser below the cut

Jack adjusted himself in the saddle, feeling the heaving beast quivering beneath him. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before signaling his readiness.

The gate flew open and it was all Jack could do to hold on as the bull arched and twisted, trying to throw off the rider. Jack’s world narrowed to the sounds of the bull, his grip on the rope and the creature beneath him. His heart thumped against his chest as adrenaline pumped in his veins. Faintly, he heard the buzzer sound just as he lost his grip, thrown violently to the ground.

The clowns rushed in and he picked himself up slowly, raising a hand to the crowd before moving slowly of the arena. Castiel helped him out and Jack met his eyes briefly, startled by the deep blue universe he saw there.

Then Castiel was gone as quickly as he’d come. Jack shook his head.  Castiel was tight with the Winchesters. He knew they’d pulled out of this rodeo, and he still didn’t know what was between him and Sam, if anything, but probably tangling with Castiel was a bad idea.

Still, a little while later, when he was in the bar, he found himself watching the man. He moved with an unusual grace, making his way around the bar, talking to nearly everyone. He leaned over to grab something and Jack stared at the way his Wranglers perfectly framed his ass, desire beginning to curl in his stomach. He swallowed and got his second beer as Castiel leaned in to speak with another cowboy. Jack could imagine the hot breath on his ear and shivered. Straightening again, Castiel moved away. Jack could see the tight control. He wondered what it would be like to watch Castiel lose that control, to give himself over. He adjusted the growing erection in his pants.

Castiel was suddenly by his elbow. “Hello, Jack.”



merindab replied to your post “I shouldn’t have gone to the rodeo. Now I want a Supernatural rodeo!AU…”

I…..would read this fic…. Of course I live in TX, so like, yeah… I’m just going to blame that….

Of course, you know me. I’d have Jack swan is as some epic bullrider who takes on the big fucking brahman bulls like Blowfish, Sleeper, and Abaddon (who completely pwned Sam and Dean) and had a really nasty showdown with that bull they just call 4-5-6 after he—well—we don’t like to talk about that.

Just so that Cas and Jack can have filthy (because they’ve both been rolled in the dirt less than an hour ago) sex in the back of someone’s pickup truck (not theirs).

At least I’m predictable?


Here you go Jazz, have some Jack/Castiel rodeo AU cowboy smut. Hope it’s any good:

Midnight Rodeo





Am I then only one who is disappointed that there isn’t more Captain Cas fanfics? (captain jack harkness/ Castiel)

jazz is the biggest harkstiel shipper I know. And if you haven’t read her Grace fic yet, boy are you in a for treat >___>


YOU RECC’D ME. I jUst. uM.




Yes you should read Jazz. Also, this is my excuse to use my John gif: