In case anyone else was wondering what the hell Mark Gatiss is reading in that fancy shoe commercial







Someone must have covered this already but I’m still screaming about it so here.

THE GAY FLESH – an autobiography only thinly fictionalized with all the stark reality of life in the twilight world left intact! Carl, a handsome, virile young man tells his own story. With vivid detail he recounts his experiences in the “gay” bar where Sunday afternoon parties are really excuses for unbridled sexuality as men cling close in the arms of other men. In this setting, Carl meets Charles and knows immediately that he must possess this muscular stranger. Nothing is omitted as we watch the strange affair develop from the tentative initial seeking, through the full bloom of unleashed savage passion. And then disaster strikes…The two are discovered!

The corroding forces of gossip, the humiliation of nights in a police cell, the forced separation all take their toll. Read how Carl attempts to escape from the homosexual world through marriage to a fiercely passionate woman. Here is the full story of a marriage ceremony between Carl’s homosexual friends. Read also about the hasty “oncers” that appease Carl’s urgent needs only for moments. Read about his unusual relationship with Ruth who is more than a sister. This is a story that teems with all the conflicting pressures, all the defiant emotions of those who live the “gay” life. Seldom is such vivid realism put into print!

– Description from the 1965 dustjacket

Via Goodreads (courtesy of @hotdiggitydollie)

“Carl, a handsome, virile young man”

“meets Charles and knows immediately that he must possess this muscular stranger”

“the humiliation of nights in a police cell”

“attempts to escape from the homosexual world through marriage to a fiercely passionate woman”

“the hasty “oncers” that appease Carl’s urgent needs only for moments”

“all the conflicting pressures, all the defiant emotions of those who live the “gay” life”

Shameless reblob for the Saturday morning crowd.




do straight guys watch m/m/f porn?????

no, not usually. If a heterosexual man wants to watch a threesome it will be m/f/f for sure. Why bother with the extra dick they don’t want to see! Why?

no reason 


I learned that he had never married. I thought that odd though I guessed why it was and the reason that I guessed was not that most of the Hobbits gave me – that he had early been left very well off and his own master. No, I guessed that he wanted to remain ‘unattached’ for some reason deep down which he did not understand himself – or would not acknowledge, for it alarmed him.

Gandalf talking to Pippin about Bilbo, Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth (via dheiress88)


Girls don’t like boys, girls like when writers don’t kill off great and/or potentially great characters solely for shock value.


*gets abducted by aliens* thank you. you have no idea how much i hated living on that planet