So type40consultingdetective and I wrote a vampire Mystrade fic 4 Chapters,will probably have the whole thing up in a week:

Teeth and Temptation – Greg never expected an encounter in the London fog to take him so far from the life he knew.

teaser below the cut

London 1904

Mycroft Holmes had lived a long life,or, well, afterlife, if one wanted to get technical. He was careful and cautious and wielded his great power with care. Right now he was in London, perhaps his favorite haunt, though he wished they’d come for a better reason. He’d bought a small but expensive home and dabbled in the mortal game of politics as his mood suited him. Tonight though, he was hungry and on the hunt.

Gregory Lestrade turned his collar up to the chill and hurried past alleyways on his way home. He’d been kept far too late at work, and while he wasn’t actually afraid of the dark, it was unnerving. He knew the kind of creatures that lurked; filthy criminals and ladies of the night and other things, things that didn’t have names or explanations.

Mycroft didn’t like drinking from junkies. They often reminded him too much of his brother. But desperate times and all that. He was standing in the shadows with his victim when suddenly through the London fog he was aware he was being watched.

Greg caught sight of a most suspicious thing, and stopped to check it out. Not his business, and foolhardy, most likely, but a posh man pushing about a street person didn’t sit right with him at all.

“Inspector Lestrade. Be needing any help, sir?” He spoke in a tone far calmer than he felt. His skin was crawling, and his slight shake wasn’t from the chill.

“Not at all.” Mycroft released his victim and watched the man stumble into the darkness of the deeper alley. This brave man before him would be far tastier. Something in those deep brown eyes called to him. “Mycroft Holmes.”

continue on AO3

spanish and italian: So THESE words are feminine and THESE words are masculine, and you ALWAYS put an adjective AFTER the noun.
french: haha i dont fuckin know man just do whatever
english: *shooting up in the bathroom*
gaelic: the pronounciation changes depending on the gender and what letter the word starts and ends with and hahah i dont even know good fucking luck
polish: here have all of these consonants have fun
japanese: subject article noun article verb. too bad there’s three fucking alphabets lmao hope your first language isn’t western
welsh: sneeze, and chances are you’ve got it right. idfk
chinese: here’s a picture. draw it. it means something. it can be pronounced four different ways. these twenty other pictures are pronounced the same but have very different meanings. godspeed.
arabic: so here’s this one word. it actually translates to three words. also pronouns don’t really exist. the gender is all in the verb. have fun!
latin: here memorize 500 charts and then you still dont know what the fuck is happening
sign language: If you move this sign by a tenth of an inch, you’ll be signing “penis”
russian: idk man its pronounced like its spelt but good fucking luck spelling it
Greek: so basically we’re going to add 15 syllables to every word you know and assign it one of 3 genders at random. Also good luck figuring out where to put the accents you piece of shit