


grown ass men are out here not eating fruit or vegetables or washing their face and having a list of things women must do to be attractive to them and thus gain their respect like grow the fuck up and eat a carrot literally no woman needs you

“No woman needs you” said the future cat lady lol

Newsflash. No man needs a bitch telling him to eat rabbit food and nagging him constantly.

I cannot wait to see feminism burn itself out.

u gonna die of scurvy in the name of antifeminism


Hey so the trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie was released today and the response has been absolutely appalling. 

The trailer is currently outweighed by dislikes in proportion to likes, at first I thought perhaps it was just genuinely a bad trailer but after watching it realised that definitely wasn’t the case because the trailer is hilarious and definitely captures the lighthearted goofiness of the original, plus the special effects we saw look good.
After reading the comments I realised why it had to many dislikes, because asshole sexist man-babies have been disliking the video simply because it’s an all female cast and probably didn’t even bother to watch the trailer. 

Please go watch the trailer and boost the likes to show support to the film, if you watch the trailer and genuinely don’t like it then fair enough but please don’t just dislike it on principle.


Hey so the trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie was released today and the response has been absolutely appalling. 

The trailer is currently outweighed by dislikes in proportion to likes, at first I thought perhaps it was just genuinely a bad trailer but after watching it realised that definitely wasn’t the case because the trailer is hilarious and definitely captures the lighthearted goofiness of the original, plus the special effects we saw look good.
After reading the comments I realised why it had to many dislikes, because asshole sexist man-babies have been disliking the video simply because it’s an all female cast and probably didn’t even bother to watch the trailer. 

Please go watch the trailer and boost the likes to show support to the film, if you watch the trailer and genuinely don’t like it then fair enough but please don’t just dislike it on principle.

Marvel Studios Pushes Captain Marvel’s Release date to 2019


Use your Google fu at the words “Marvel” and “female led films” and you’ll find out quickly that the studio, part of the Disney empire, has some challenges with making movies with female leads.

Black Widow has appeared as co-star in multiple movies in Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but the franchise’s guru Kevin Feige has apparently absolutely no desire to give the character her own movie.

Despite the questioning of that choice, Marvel had an out. Last October 28 they announced that Captain Marvel would get her own movie in July of 2018. 

See they even made a banner announcing the date. Go Marvel!

Let’s see you announced the movie on October 28 and then three and half years later you have a movie. Easy Peasy. And how cool she gets the summer blockbuster slot of a 4th of July weekend. Woot! Marvel. Women. Movies. Happening! (but still hearing all the reasons that there won’t be a Black Widow movie.)

But wait did I say July 6? Whoops! When Spider-Man was brought back to the Marvel Universe something had to move and so in February of 2015  Captain Marvel got pushed out to November 2, 2018. 

Okay that’s okay. Now they have over four years since they announced the movie (October 28, 2014) to make the movie. So let’s get that script done! And they announced a terrific team in April. Okay, so that’s cool. The movie is over three years away. Plenty of time to write a script and get it made. Woot.

November 2, 2018 here we come!

Nope. Yesterday Marvel announced that Captain Marvel’s third release date – March 8, 2019. 

Why you ask? Well to make room for the Ant-Man sequel. That’s right, Ant-Man will have his second movie out before Captain Marvel.

But here’s the thing that made me laugh. In their announcement Marvel proudly stated the following about the sequel called Ant-Man and Wasp:

The sequel will mark the first Marvel Studios film named after its heroine.

Yes, they said that by giving second billing to Wasp. 

Ten years. It’s been ten years since Kevin Feige started building out his Marvel Universe. And after ten years you get the back half of the title and claim a “first” for a female character (or heroine) in the same release you announce you are giving the third release date to the ONLY film that has been announced with a female lead.

Frankly I think the chances we’ll actually see a Captain Marvel are just slightly better than we’ll see at Black Widow movie. 

Oh they’ll announce something about the movie in the next 20 days or float the name of a director or we’ll hear that they are testing leads.

But then? 

Three and half years is a long time. 

I expect Feige could find four or five male characters to give movies to so expect that date to move.