


In case you didn’t click the buzfeed link earlier, this is 4 fantastic minutes of John Barrowman talking about how important marriage equality is to himself and Scott. 

(now someone make a gif of him saying “I didn’t wake up one morning and go I think I’ll have eggs, bacon, coffee and I think I’ll be gay”?)

I think it is really important that he points out the difference between civil partnership and marriage. Everytime I approached administrative offices etc to ask about what we need for a civil partnership, if there is a possibility for face-to-face consultation about the differences (should we wait til we get equality or not?), I always got the answer “Sorry, we don’t do that, call back on the day you wand to get married.” It’s great that people accept that same sex couples are able to form an official union, but what unnerves me is the denial of still existence privilege of heterosexual marriage, by saying “Oh, it’s all the same.” It is not.

Oops just realized a typo – it was meant to be “call back once you know the day you want to get married.”

Reblogging for commentary

In case you didn’t click the buzfeed link earlier, this is 4 fantastic minutes of John Barrowman talking about how important marriage equality is to himself and Scott. 

(now someone make a gif of him saying “I didn’t wake up one morning and go I think I’ll have eggs, bacon, coffee and I think I’ll be gay”?)