Moriarty vs Irene Adler

  • “vs.” for who I think would win a fight

Heh, that would be an interesting fight. They’d both play dirty. I’m going to say Moriarty but only because he’d have Seb up a tree somewhere read to snipe her the minute he started to lose.

But in a straight fight my money would be on Irene.

Give me two characters in my inbox and

Hi! I read your reply to the coming out thing and if you feel ok about it, I think you should do it. Also: It sounds like you should call yourself bi. It sounds like you’re bisexual and just because some gatekeeping douchecanoes once said that you’re not bi once you are in a straight relationship, that doesn’t mean it’s true. People aren’t ace while they’re single. People are not pan only when they’re in a relationship with one person of each gender. You’re attracted to both? You’re bi.

I ended up kinda mentioning it in passing when I called my mom yesterday. She didn’t really comment, but then my parents are thankfully pretty liberal about these kind of things.

71 and Johnlock? In case the writing meme is still on :D

John and Sherlock were going through the crowded square when Sherlock suddenly grabbed John’s arm. “Kiss, me, quick!”

“Wha..” John was cut off my Sherlock’s lips on his own. For a moment, he froze, then enthusiastically kissed him back.

The world seemed to stop around them, then Sherlock pulled away. “Excellent acting,” he said, darting off at a run.

John was left blinking for a few heartbeats, then cursed and took off after him

For character ask meme: Greg Lestrade

3 things in common with Lestrade:

  1. I’m really loyal. If i’m your friend I’ll stick with you through anything and everything. Hell even if you’re an acquaintance I’ve talked to, like, once.
  2. I too sometimes feel like my job is herding cats.
  3. Coffee. Coffee is a magical thing.

3 things I don’t

  1. I’m not in a position of responsibility
  2. I don’t think I’d a yelled when my friends were hung over from stag night
  3. I’d have said something to sally on the sniping

Oh and on the common side I also kick stuff when i’m mad

Johnlock and either “things you said at 1 am” or “things you didn’t say at aall” (I can’t deciiiiiiiiiide) :D

Things you said at 1am

“Sherlock I am not sober enough for this conversation,” John giggled at the detective that had curled up into his lap.

“That’s precisely why I need to say it now. You’re just impaired enough that you won’t remember in the morning.”

“And what’s that, Sherlock?” John asked, carding fingers running through Sherlock’s hair.

“I think I’m in love with you,” said Sherlock softly.


Honestly, I’ve forgotten how I found you. I also have forgotten why I followed you. I mean, you are active in fandoms that I am mostly in some way in as well, but not my main fandoms and your fandoms are something I was in some time ago or never or I’m just kind of there. Sherlock is something I am in fact kind of adamant about, but other than that. Idk. You just belong on my dash I guess.

Aw, that’s super sweet though and I’m glad you’re here and that I hope that I continue to be something good for you.

Thanks so much!

Hey! I hope you’ll get through the rough patch alright. If anything, I can tell you that they all end. Even if it doesn’t seem like it while they are lasting. Soon you’ll be ok again.

Thank you for this kind note! I spent far too much time in bed this morning with my dog (which is even more odd because it’s Monday and normally the passing garbage truck makes the dog go nuts, but I guess he knew i needed comfort), but I’m up now and i’ll probably take him for a walk later and I just took my meds so hopefully I can get today in order.