

fawnlock meeting werejohn in his werewolf form, packless and roaming the forest. inviting him to share his nest, becoming friends and dashing all over the forest looking for exciting things to do

fawnlock waking up one night and finding a human curled up tight next to him, covered in scars, a big one through his shoulder. John finally content enough to transform back, but unaware it had happened whilst he was sleeping

John waking up to fawnlock sniffing his hair, going to growl playfully and hearing it wrong in his chest and realising his paws and tail are gone and everything is too much and most likely bolting from the nest

fawnlock finding him sulking by the lake, throwing stones. knowing he should
comfort him but not sure how. saying the only human words he could think of, hoping it did something. ‘this is boring’ he’d overheard little humans saying it to their big humans whilst on visits to the forest, and had loved their sulky body language, it had been interesting to him. he didn’t know what it meant but he was sure he felt like that sometimes too. he wasn’t feeling sulky now, but maybe hearing human words would feel good to John right now.

John whipping around at the sound of fawnlock talking, and frowning at him. as if he cared that fawnlock was finding this boring. ‘yeah, well you don’t have to be here!’ raising his voice a bit. ‘pretend I didn’t shout that.’ fawnlock not bothered by John’s raised voice, walking closer. ‘this is… boring?’ with a smile

it was then John realised that was all he could think to say, he was in his own way trying to be comforting. ‘you don’t know what that means, do you?’ John smiling back. fawnlock grinning, showing teeth. ‘this is boooooring!’ John laughing despite being naked and cold in the middle of a forest without his pack, stood next to a fawn who was clearly going to need a few lessons in appropriate things to say in certain situations. it was something to do, atleast – he didn’t have anything else to do anymore, without his pack


ok so like. john working at the clinic but having a cabin in the woods where he goes sometimes to shoot things. it’s autumn and he’s looking for firewood and he finds an orphaned (roughly 2 year old) fawnlock curled up under some leaves, and of course takes him in, (after lots of ‘what is it? should i leave it?’) feeds him up because he’s a small thing, and gets a tiny bit attached

the day before he has to go back to london though, john can’t find fawnlock anywhere, so he just assumes the little thing has decided to make his own way in the forest now he’s put on a bit of weight. he’s a bit sad but that’s life. except as soon as john gets home and unpacks his bags, he finds fawnlock curled up amongst his socks and pants sleeping peacefully as if he hasn’t been in a BAG dragged across england for hours, and john, stressed from catching buses and trains, hadn’t even noticed the extra weight, except now noticing how much his shoulder fucking hurt

fawnlock stretches, yawns and peeps his head out of the bag, ears swivelling curiously, (the sounds of london!) whilst john considers ringing the clinic to tell them HE MIGHT NOT BE AT WORK TOMORROW (WHAT REASON COULD HE EVEN USE?) fawnlock then proceeds to wiggle out of said bag, getting john’s clothes everywhere, and starts touching as many things in john’s flat as he can reach, chirping with glee, his tail flicking and curling excitedly.

i don’t wanna imagine the tantrum john will have to face when trying to take him back to the forest though